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tv   [untitled]    October 27, 2012 4:00pm-4:30pm EDT

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fresh cache of alms is funny it's way to the libyan government's deadly assault on the besieged city and its residents are accusing western governments of turning a blind eye to the bloodshed. and rage anti-government protests in the north of the country turned the fierce clashes between demonstrators and police while in rome tens of thousands marching against austerity cuts what's called anti monti day.
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and the message is drawing crowds into the streets of the spanish capital where thousands have converged on the country's parliament he says the latest pictures from madrid. also reporting the. traits of support for the syrian opposition rebel group kidnaps a lebanese journalist in aleppo starting to work in concert is the inconsistency with their revolution records. a little over a week before the u.s. presidential vote the democratic and republican hopefuls are neck and neck in the race on third party candidates strive to offer an alternative and the americans could be ready for. international news come and live from new center here in moscow this is r.t.
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after three weeks of siege and deadly rocket shelling from libyan army forces thousands of families are now trying to flee the town of bani walid despite government claims the military action is now over and aid is being distributed residents of colonel gadhafi is form a stronghold say there's no water food or medicine but even those who managed to escape the violence say their suffering is far from over as they have been blocked by militias on a desert highway. look at this. this good this gun and this people know this thing now why you don't know one week now this is the build outside and does it know what the were doing when i was leaving when a thing when when the government bottlebrush why it was chaotic shelling they fired at homes and shelters indiscriminately more than two thousand families have fled seven families are with us at the moment yesterday we fled to the valley but they were firing at us even their their families who died in the shelling children died
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too they fired by women and children the straight to their heads. i soon explosions and rockets of our hands i saw the dead. see a libyan political activist whose relatives are trapped in bani walid says those inside the town for the band and by the international community just a warning you may find some of the following images upsetting. being the. houses are being both. for the people who are inside the city who can. leave the city go in the field of the militia the fear of. being inside and see if the united nations go on to fewer. people. you will see a. picture. of him until he embraces the west is
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the only libyans letting these militias do whatever they want to believe you need to kill them. know who was. the worse in criticizing these militias so we leave you alone with the first of. all of the interview and so if you use militias well i spoke to one of the miles is a former british ambassador to libya he believes libyans should now be left to solve their own problems regardless of nato's eagerness to intervene into the country's affairs last year. i think that these problems are got to be sorted out by the libyans and they are being sorted out of the worst problem at the moment is the one in value walid that's a political problem compounded by a very old feud between two towns which we misurata but he will lead despite the politics many are saying well what's different between syria and libya a lot of calls now for intervention to in syria to prevent
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a humanitarian crisis there and yet the west is accuse of turning a blind eye and yet he surely one has to recognize the fact that there is a humanitarian crisis in libya at the moment. well you can call it humanitarian crisis relatively small town. has something like seventy thousand inhabitants the number of fighters who are believed to be loyal to gadhafi is not very large but of course fighting is terrible and of course it's got to it we must hope that it comes to an end as soon as possible parties keeping a close eye on the situation in twenty wanted for first hand accounts of embattled town of vegetables at dot com check out the analysis on the troubles libya is facing a year after its longstanding leader moammar gadhafi was toppled in the revolt with the help of. thousands of people who converged on the spanish parliament in madrid in protest
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over sturdy measures being forced upon them it's also been a day of rage in italy with huge crowds out in the streets in rome and fierce clashes as a result of an anti-government demonstration in the north of the country all these are a first reports now from the spanish capital. thousands of people taking to the street they may dread today it's a great time i guess feel stary think he's number that attend that here and they just think is this a new move the flinty lands in the country and now unemployed one enforced by me is are out so well i can as obviously cruising as he's a man or that and almost certain that the years a dozen homes experience it proclaims the euro crisis doesn't discriminate we've seen protests like this happening in italy in greece in magick today added protests going on with so clashes breaking out in the north of italy earlier on today the level of anger amongst people who were really rising we've seen this you know quite
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since the per child you know quite as dragging on for a number of years now really causing people as a very man of economic playing. and researcher jerome russo spoke to have an allele her naughty he says the situation in italy is quickly getting out of control and the country may be the next in line to become the epicenter of the crisis. but people are very well aware that the government's main goal is to who was the story on the italian people and so the protests always really sort of discredit the government in a much broader sense and argue for a return to a more democratic for politics in europe the problem is that the situation is that only getting worse especially since november last year when this i mean the technocratic government came to power and we've seen serious tax hikes we've seen new spending cuts we've seen reforms in all the holes in the pension system a veritable of assault on labor rights and here in florence i mean you can even see it in the streets in the outskirts there are more and more people who are sleeping
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out in the streets i mean the border guards at night and the situation is getting worse it's not as out there as it is but i do think that it's in the immediate next in line with the situation in in spain especially it's been further out of control and the alternative is actually not to have cut back spending money to invest more in the economy to invest in growth to make sure that there are jobs and the only way to ultimately get out of this debt is to grow your way out of it and not just cut your way out of it so one of the main arguments of the people here is that it is if you actually listen to the people who are not too good an initial interest from abroad you will come up with a lot more sensible and a lot more rational response to this crisis. stay with us for the updates on the protests raging across the e.u. as our correspondents bring you the very latest. al qaeda leader ayman al-zawahiri has called for muslims to kidnap westerners as
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a bargaining chip to win the release of its members held captive around the world then the video posted online he also urged islamists to support syrian rebels with quote all that they can he accuse world powers of giving the syrian president opportunities to quell the uprising in which a terrorist leader sees as the rise of jihadist meanwhile in syria itself the rebels that al qaeda pledged to support have kidnapped a lebanese journalist saying his work did not suit the course of the. editor in chief of a monthly german news magazine says it's not the first time the opposition has resorted to such tactics. what they do is a criminal action at this journalist but he is not the first journalist to work at night we see and a huge number of journalists we are chilled by by the rebels in syria were killed by related groups i just want. to remember that the journalists of the syrian t.v. channel syrian news t.v.
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which where were. some journalists and where the news building was that also in the end of june this year so what i ask where are the organisations where are the organisations mortars. or where are they protesting against the sections and i ask myself something else i have been in syria as a journalist a horse a head of means that i was in the masters and what i can say i met a lot of journalists who were not reporting consistent to the syrian government because. they were knocking at their feet we are free to virtually this country so you see each that there is a huge difference how do you know this earth and syria that a monster a huge difference in the risk. as the conflict drags on it's not only syrians living inside the war torn country that being here is just across the border one news community is facing tough times as vital trade with the muskets is now dried
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up we reported last up to short break. the green party candidate jill stein was arrested for trying to enter the presidential debate at hofstra university and now i know why there's never a third party candidate at the debates because the cops let the cuffs on them when they try to get in we all know we have a two party system so why do we lie to ourselves and pretend it's not that way it's the lying that bothers me it's the illusion that you have the freedom of choice when there are only two real options cut out the gains just make the two party system the law of the land just make the two parties part of the government make their inner workings transparent and bound by the law and make it clear to every american that there are only two real ladders to climb to power stop lying to me
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and to everyone else about this democracy stuff where forty percent of the country are independents with virtually no representation either cut the lies and make the two party system the law or make your lies become true by letting the candidates like jill stein and gary johnson have a simple conversation with obama and romney on t.v. if they're indeed extremists then this should show through at the debates right there's nothing scary about competition in an election but that's just my opinion. wealthy british science. sometimes. markets why not. find out what's really happening to the global economy
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with max conjure for a no holds barred look at the global financial headlines tune into cars a report on. what lies ahead for occupying the movement's mobilize calls for a new america who stands for the ninety nine percent u.s. election a close guide monday october twenty ninth on r.t. . that the devil watches young every single move. and waiting for you to stumble. i saw a man with a video camera and so i moved over and he followed me. you know we realized there were following everyone from early in the morning.
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the only chance to get rid of him. is to reveal him. the devil operation on our cheek. welcome back this is all to life here in moscow to the us now in the race for the presidency is heading towards its final week with the polls putting both republican and democrat candidates effectively tied while many americans disenchanted with the bomber romney might be ready for an alternative some don't even realize there's already a different choice the resident nor healthiness took to the streets of new york to find if people know third party's candidates exist at all.
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this week third party candidates for the u.s. presidency held a debate do americans even know that this week let's talk about that did you watch the third party debate. do you think did best. obama do best no that's not the third party debate who do you think did a good job in the third party debate i think think their parag obama did a little bit better job than mitt romney i know that the third party debate that was the main candidates that day but the third parties are we have actual other candidates that are running did you know that no i didn't know there's jill stein she's the green party is gary johnson libertarian and none of these names ring a bell and i don't think it's unfortunate that americans don't know they have more than two main options but you know we're stuck with democrats or republicans we don't go over for that so why do you think that is. the tradition. tradition.
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we do we used to why i don't think either one of the third party have other ideas other than democratic somebody sure they do they're against the n.c.a.a. they're against the war and junks they're against drone strikes there's a lot of other ideas. you don't agree with any about no drone strikes no one to protecting us and saving our soldiers from being killed even when they have a very low actually percentage rate unfortunate collateral damage as part of war you know what else is running besides the two main ones don't i don't so do you feel informed enough to make a vote. no. for to go there and i think the media has pretty much walked to that whole aspect. why do they do that they're supposed to be impartial disposed to be saying the news the plural for so you know i mean. every democrat you go. two heads of the same snake and they're both supporting big business big corporations they want to make it look
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like you have a choice you know but at the same point though it seems like most americans don't know that there are more than two candidates running for president and with only a few days left of voting day chances are obama or romney is going to be elected. while being pulled by the mainstream media third party candidates do have a chance to deliver their messages to the voters here on r.t. and little more than a week the final round of the us presidential third party debate will be who stood on this very channel and there up to the event moderator for montes the big picture shared his view on the significance third parties historically have have influence presidential elections there's never been a third party that actually won one but there have been third parties that have changed the nature of presidential elections i don't think that in this election cycle the third parties are going to have
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a real significant effect in terms of this particular election but what they are doing and what these debates are doing is raising those issues raising those topics and subjects that generally are ignored by both the corporate mainstream media and the two major political parties in ways that that tend to energize movements and movement politics is typically where actual political change happens movement politics eventually infiltrate even major party politics so so i think that these are very important things. don't miss the final round then of third party debates you'll see that nowhere else but exclusively here on r.t. on monday november the fifth and don't forget we have special coverage of the u.s. election on air and online each week looking at the race from a different perspective starting this monday we assess the presidential campaign through the eyes of the protest movement with a focus on domestic policies and the economy. what will change when america
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picks its president amid muslim rage booking the. pushing china russia as occupy anger spreads to parties still dictate their future to a selection of clothes if they are to beginning up to twenty second. activists have staged protests in central moscow to support opposition figures who were this week charged with plotting disorder in russia the rally was broken up by police who said the group violated the law requiring advance permission for the demonstrations in the city center some leaders were detained but released shortly after it became an all charges against high profile opposition leaders. and his fellow activists be thrown out the three were accused on friday of preparing the u.s. to russia for this sort of charges they deny investigation was triggered by a documentary shown on russian t.v. . more stories available on our web site of the moment including dangerous waters around fukushima eighteen months after japan's nuclear disaster the plant owner
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admits dangerously high levels of radiation are still flowing directly into the sea . plus an pretty divorce on line we've got the story of one chinese man who's a sequel hundred thousand dollars off to suing his wife for giving birth to an ugly baby. as the bloodshed in syria continues its effects are being felt in the nearby israeli occupied going on heintz. reports on one druze community which has for years been dependent on damascus and is facing desperate times because of the conflict. he cannot hear the gunfights of homes and the local from here but residents of the small village of marsh in the golan heights are nevertheless
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feeling the effects of fighting in syria since two thousand and five the druze farmers here in the golan heights have been selling the excess of their apple crops to damascus a trade facilitated by the united nations and the red cross but says their most began in syria many farmers here start to worry that these sweet apples may end up being a rather bitter fruit. apples are the main source of income for the druze families in this area until seven years ago they struggled while trying to compete with the produce of the israeli settlers who locals say the same apples but because of these rather government subsidies pay less to go the harvest and sell for a bigger price an offer from damascus seemed like a blessing at the time the syrian government. says part of syria their produce our produce is part of syria so they were committed. to help. for marketing.
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the golan heights have been occupied by israel since one thousand nine hundred sixty seven some twenty thousand jews living here consider this land syrian and themselves syrians does a helping hand from damascus seemed a logical solution to the problem even the israeli government allowed the export to take place but with the civil war raging on across the border there still has been no offer for the apples from the syrian government something which begins to worry local farmers. we are just simple people we have no idea of politics but our country used to be. and now they're not and that affects us financially farmers say this year's harvest is much bigger than last year's but since the quota for the israeli markets has already been made in syria remain silent the jews leave much of the produce to rot. the whole of the middle east is in trouble big and we are the ones getting hit it in
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a goes courting the golan heights. time now for some other news from around the world in our world update the violence has continued to mar celebrations of the muslim holiday of ied in iraq several blasts claimed the lives of at least eighteen people and injured twenty four and the first attack a roadside bomb detonated as a bus carrying pilgrims from iran passed by it came not long after a gunman attack on worshippers in the northern city of mosul authorities are now promising to ramp up security during the holy period. police have fired rubber bullets at miners in south africa who were trying to prevent a trade union rally from taking place they were furious at what they see as the poor handling by the unions of a recent dispute that ended with twelve thousand workers sacked for striking although the miners were reinstated earlier this week under demand they return to work by cheers day south africa's mining industry has been plagued by unrest for months now dealing a huge financial blow to the country's economy. the state of emergency being declared across parts of the u.s.
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amid forecasts hurricane sandy could merge with winter weather fronts to create a devastating super storm is expected to bring high winds heavy rains and even snow to america's east coast sandy's already claimed at least forty lives across the caribbean cuba said it was the most destructive storm to hit the country in years after of course severe flooding and killed more than a dozen people. to where it is at the moment here in just a few minutes from now we talked to u.k. based economist mark littlewood about what he thinks should be done to heal europe's ailing finances. richest law often enough and knows that to ride a horse you've got to catch it first.
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for him it's a daily routine that your soft as a horse breeder on the island of a horn at the heart of. his life on an isolated farm is about blue sky green grass and his horse is worthless sometimes it gets lonely here but horses have become part of me now i've fallen off so many times sometimes that bites as well it's part of my every day life. i holmes been home to it rats likely just laugh for centuries most still live off the land of cattle and fish every evening local villagers place their nets and in the morning the catch is always good. we always have enough here. if by coal is often called the pearl of siberia i horn i said to be the pearl of by
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call it's all end of fake forests. and vast steps. it's also a place of traditions respected by locals and travelers alike. an economist turned adventurer has crisscrossed by call shores and learned its customs well. you see like this and thought to have supernatural powers every traveler who comes to. he asks the spirits to make the journey easier give them strength and fulfill their dearest wishes. virtually undiscovered by tourists until some twenty years ago i was cornish quickly become a magnet for nature lovers and the real cigars but those used to five star pampering maybe end for a surprise the infrastructure has yet to catch up with the growing demand here
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quite some way from civilization here accommodation on the island is very basic so you can forget about a t.v. or even running water for most people tent is the on the eruption but for those who come here it's exactly what they're looking for. you need to buy coal can be unique trip of a lifetime and the locals say once you've seen it you'll be coming back again again and . i'm with
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mark little words the director of the institute of economic affairs he says that austerity measures aren't a recipe for economic growth but they are a prerequisites littlewood why are stairs the measures so necessary but what we actually need is to get the economy back into some form of balance we are living the normal asli be on the mark and actually all of the talk about austerity in the united kingdom is somewhat misplaced and that might be the political rhetoric but if you actually look at the numbers it is the british government's intention to add six hundred billion to the national debt over the course of this parliament that's to say they're going to spend six hundred billion pounds sterling more than they bring in in taxes and that's austerity i wouldn't like to see large eps and we can see by looking around the world with everybody talks about the global economic crisis actually this is in very large part i question the process caused by that
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and i think that one of the lessons that we control is that spending money. is not a route where commit salvation if spending money it was a rhetorical mix ovation greece would be bailing out germany not the other way round so it is void to actually bring it all over all finances into some form of problems ultimately countries go bust just like companies don't typically big and fast but if you are continually spending and promising more than you offer you will ensure for the company you are heading for a fall of a correction take many more years for a country but it happens eventually so we have to begin to try and balance the books that doesn't so we think but it is a prerequisite so what you're saying is the government's trying to enter mental stary say but failing. what's unbelievably curious about the government's rhetoric is they're talking as if they're taking a chainsaw to public spending that this is going to be the biggest package.


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